To establish both prescriptive code requirements and any performance-based design approaches associated with a building or remodel, TERPconsulting prepares Fire Protection Reports (FPR) to identify key fire protection and life safety code requirements. Performed by TERP before construction begins, in most cases, FPRs provide the design and construction team with a playbook for both designing code-compliant fire protection systems and for coordination with the fire protection contractors (sprinkler, fire alarm, etc.).
FPRs include code requirements and design concepts associated with passive and active fire protection systems, including fire-resistive construction and occupancy separations, exiting requirements, fire sprinkler and standpipe design, fire alarm and detection design, and smoke management. Although FPRs are not mandated, most jurisdictions adopt the International Code Council (ICC) codes, specifically the International Building Code (IBC) and International Fire Code (IFC), both of which provide officials with the authority to request an FPR.
TERP especially recommends FPRs for complex projects as a beneficial tool for the design and construction team. FPRs not only provide them with a document outlining all pertinent requirements that will be reviewed and eventually approved by AHJs, but also provides a document for the project’s duration to be utilized by the fire alarm and sprinkler contractors as a reference guide for design criteria.