Firestop inspections and testing are integral to any passive fire protection quality control program. They maintain the required fire-resistance ratings when penetrations breach rated walls, floors, and joints between rated assemblies. TERPconsulting’s firestop special inspectors are certified to serve as independent third-party inspectors through multiple means, including the International Firestop Council (IFC), to maintain required fire-resistance ratings.
In addition to performing thorough visual inspections and testing, TERPconsulting’s IFC-certified inspectors are well-versed in building and fire code requirements, including those applicable to through-penetration, membrane penetration, firestops, fire-resistant joint systems, and building perimeter barrier systems. Although building code requires a firestop special inspector for high-rise buildings, along with those in Risk Categories III and IV, TERPconsulting can provide firestop special inspection services on any project at the request of the owner or authority having jurisdiction (AHJ).