Rational Analysis Reports

Rational Analysis and/or Testing

Who can perform Smoke Control System Rational Analysis and/or Testing?

Rational analysis is generally performed by a licensed engineer. Testing must be conducted by someone with technical competence and is approved by the AHJ. The Rational Analysis and the Testing can be performed by different persons/agencies, or the same. In some cases, the AHJ will prohibit the same agency from doing both for conflict-of-interest concerns.

TERPconsulting’s professional engineers specialize in writing rational analysis reports.

TERPconsulting’s licensed professional engineers (PEs) specialize in performing and writing a smoke control rational analysis report as mandated by International Building Code (IBC) Section 909. Rational Analysis is required to be completed by a licensed engineer during the design of newly constructed high-rise buildings, malls, underground buildings, stages, platforms, technical production areas, and atriums in accordance with California Building Code (CBC) and IBC Section 909.

Smoke Control Rational Analysis

TERPconsulting’s licensed professional engineers perform Smoke Control Rational Analysis to establish the basis of the design and installation of a smoke control system. TERPconsulting’s Rational Analysis service examines the type of smoke control system to be used, methods of operation, and acceptance testing. For example, TERPconsulting performs inspections on spaces including exit stairways required to be smokeproof enclosures utilizing the stairway pressurization alternative, in accordance with IBC Section 909.20.5. Fan size calculations and air injection points are also reviewed and included in rational analysis reports as required by IBC Section 909.

TERPconsulting’s smoke control inspectors are professional engineers who will ensure the Rational Analysis considers stack effect, temperature effect of fire, wind effect, HVAC systems’ effect, climate effect, and how the systems are to be commissioned to maintain a tenable environment. The engineers at TERPconsulting can seek the approval of and work closely with an Authority Having Jurisdiction or AHJ to perform the testing of a smoke control system and write a rational analysis report documenting the findings.

Reach out to our smoke control analysis experts to answer your questions!

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