12 Dec Tips to Reduce Fire Risk and Make Your Holiday a Safe One
For those of you decorating a natural Christmas tree (also known as live, or real) this holiday season, we’ve got some safety tips for you. Trees, by their nature, are initially fire retardant. Fire hazards arise when trees have been cut and packaged without access to water for long periods of time. Please stay safe this holiday season by using these tips from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).
When picking out your tree, make sure you select a tree with fresh, green needles that do not fall off when touched. Before placing the tree in a stand, cut off 2″ from the bottom of the tree. To keep your tree fresh, fill your stand with water and add to it daily. Place your tree at least 3′ away from any heat sources like candles, radiators, vents, or fireplaces. Do not burn any candles near the tree.
When decorating the tree, use light strings that are in good working order. Never use light strings that have worn or broken cords, or loose bulb connections. Read the manufacturer’s instructions for the number of light strands that can be safely connected together.
After Christmas, or when your tree is dry, properly dispose of your tree. Check with your trash service or community recycling program for proper disposal in your community. Dried-out trees are a fire danger and should not be left in the home, garage or near the exterior of the home.
These tips can reduce the risk of fire and keep your holiday safe!

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