08 Oct Randy Day, PE Appointed Alternate Member of NFPA 200 Technical Committee
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has appointed Randy Day, PE to be an alternate member of the NFPA 200 Technical Committee which is the Standard for Hanging and Bracing of Fire Suppression Systems. This is a new standard that is being developed to provide design and installation requirements for hanging, bracing, and anchorage of fire suppression systems.
While hanging and bracing design practices are relatively mature in the realm of sprinkler systems, less commonly used systems have been put on the back burner. It is not uncommon to see design standards for other systems, such as gaseous or water-mist systems, simply refer to the requirements of NFPA 13 or even fully defer design requirements to the local authority having jurisdiction. The NFPA 200 technical committee is engaged in developing meaningful hanging, bracing, and anchoring design criteria for all fire protection systems.
Advances in the model building codes are causing important buildings, such as hospitals, to install seismic bracing on fire protection systems where not previously required. These requirements are generally regional, so bracing is often misunderstood and misapplied in markets where it has not been dealt with as “the norm.” TERPconsulting is committed to staying at the forefront of fire protection design and the evolving field of hanging and bracing is no exception.
With more than six years’ fire protection and life safety engineering and consulting experience, Randy has a wide range of experience developing solutions for fire protection and life safety issues. His expertise includes fire hazards analysis, fire modeling calculations, design of fire sprinkler, alarm, and clean agent systems, and third-party reviews. Randy has advised clients on compliance issues with the International Code Council (ICC) codes, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) codes, and local regulations in a variety of fields, including egress, fire-resistance rated construction, and hazardous materials storage.
In addition to serving as an alternate on NFPA 200, Randy is a current member of the Society for Fire Protection Engineers (SPFE) Professional Engineer Exam Prep Committee, and previously served on NFPA 241 — Standard for Safeguarding Construction, Alteration, and Demolition Operations.
Randy is a Registered Fire Protection Professional Engineer (PE) in Colorado, Florida, and Washington. He has a M. Eng. and a B.S. in Fire Protection Engineering, both from the University of Maryland, College Park.
NFPA has more than 300 Codes and Standards designed to minimize the risk and effects of fire and other hazards. These Codes and Standards are reviewed every three to five years to keep up with changes in technology, materials, construction practices, and any other relevant variables to provide the most comprehensive fire safety standards possible.
Disasters can occur anywhere, and they often occur when least expected. NFPA standards provide ways to prevent their occurrence, manage their impact, and protect society. TERPconsulting is proud to have several members of our team making a difference and volunteering their time on NFPA technical committees.
To contact Randy, click here.
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