Revchem Composites

About This Project

Image of a warehouse with composite material.

Revchem Composites
Minden, NV
Market: Industrial/Warehouse
Project Scope: Fire/Life Safety Code Consulting, FPR, and HazMat Analysis

TERPconsulting provided fire/life safety and HazMat consulting services for Revchem Composites’ new 36,400 ft2 production facility that consists of office areas, a finished inventory storage area, and a Group H Occupancy production area. Specifically, TERPconsulting reviewed proposed chemicals and determined hazard classifications per the International Fire Code (IFC). TERPconsulting also proposed storage and mixing operations, identified potential building and fire code compliance issues, and prepared a Fire Protection Report (FPR). During the evaluation of the facility’s chemical inventory for compliance, TERPconsulting utilized TheHazMatApp to track hazard classifications, compare hazard class totals against allowable quantities, and create the Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement (HMIS) for submittal to the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ).

Fire Protection Report, General Code Consulting, HAZMAT/Hazard Analysis, Industrial, Phoenix
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